Every year, the University of Chicago provides newly admitted students with the opportunity to nominate stellar educators who have changed their lives through the latter’s lessons. This year, we are proud to share that two HCI educators have been conferred this prestigious award, Mr Isaac Koh (Lecturer / Economics) and Ms Liew Pei Li (Principal Consultant / English).
Mr Koh humbly opines that such an award is but an additional affirmation, as he finds the improvement of his students a more important barometer. His passion for teaching stems from his students – the joy of interacting with them, the thrill of opening their minds to new knowledge, and above all, the invaluable bonds forged with them.
To Mr Koh, who views teaching as his calling, improving his lessons does not only involve the enhancement of his pedagogies, but also finding new ways to touch his students emotionally. He believes that being an educator goes beyond the immediate academic milestones, but rather, the ability to reach out and care for students.
When he was asked of his reaction to his students nominating him for this award, he expresses his gratitude for their recognition, stating that “it is very kind of (them) to recognise the small contribution (he has) made towards (their) bright futures.” Moving forward, he hopes to continue touching the lives of his students, and become the best teacher he can.
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