On Tuesday (March 28th), Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong visited the Guangzhou SCA School located in the China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City.
This international school, which officially opened in September 2021, is the first school jointly established overseas by the Singapore Chinese High School (SCHS) group of schools from Singapore, and is one of the new Singaporean elements added to the Guangzhou Knowledge City in recent years.
The Guangzhou SCA School not only draws on the Singapore’s educational experience but also adopted Hwa Chong Institution motto “自强不息” as its own. The school offers a 12-year international education program and currently has 350 students enrolled. Among the school’s foreign teachers, nearly 40% are from Singapore, including some who were directly appointed by the SCHS Board.
Guangzhou SCA School’s superintendent Dr Hon Chiew Weng (formerly Hwa Chong Institution’s principal), revealed in an interview that after TikTok CEO ShouZi Chew became a “live business card” for the school after Mr Chew attended a hearing at the US House of Representatives last week.
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