2023 Mid-Autumn Festival「玉兔下凡贺中秋 同窗华岗庆团圆」

The 2023 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration theme

This Mid-Autumn, the SCHS BOD organised a celebration titled 「玉兔下凡贺中秋 同窗华岗庆团圆」on September 22nd at the HCIS Main Building. This evening, both new and veteran sponsors, members of the BOD and the Hwa Chong Family gathered together to celebrate this traditional cultural event.

The event began with an opening speech by our BOD Chairman Dr. Sia Nam Chie. The BOD prepared a delicious buffet dinner for everyone, which included on-site cooking of local delicacies such as roasted beef, satay, fruit rojak, laksa, poh piah, and chendol. In addition, mooncakes, pomelos, and Chinese tea were also served.

BOD Chairman Dr Sia Nam Chie

There is also a Tea Appreciation Corner sponsored by Mr. Lee Fund, the Executive Director of Tea Chapter. Mr. Lee personally demonstrated the art of tea brewing and answered questions about tea. On a breezy evening, with the lingering aroma of tea and the sweet taste of mooncakes, it was truly delightful!

SCHS Sponsor and Tea Chapter executive director Mr Lee Fund demonstrating the Art of Tea to participants

The Hwa Chong Chinese Orchestra also delivered a wonderful performance, with beautiful melodies resonating throughout the campus. The Chinese Department of HCIS organised a traditional lantern riddle guessing activity 猜灯谜, bringing joy to everyone. This activity not only inherited the art of guessing lantern riddles but also promoted traditional culture.

Performance by the Hwa Chong Chinese Orchestra

During the event, Secretary Mr Ng Kit Kiew and Board member Mr Joseph Kwok introduced the Hwa Chong Family Discord server to everyone present, hoping to attract more sponsors to join this communication platform.

We were also honored to have former teacher Mr Foo Yoong Kwang and former SCHS directors Mr. Desmond Ong, Mr. Lee Peng Shu, and Mr. Jonathan Lee, to speak. From their speeches, one could still feel their deep affection for Hwa Chong.

SCHS BOD Advisor Mr Jonathan Lee

A traditional Mid-Autumn Festival event wouldn’t be complete without lanterns. Taking advantage of the Mid-Autumn Festival, sponsors carried lanterns and visited the newly built HCIS swimming pool. Walking around the campus brought back memories of past school days, as if it was just yesterday, evoking strong emotions.

Dr Hwang Chi Looi, Dr Loh Poey Ling and Mdm Yeo Jing Ping touring the new HCIS swimming pool holding lanterns

This Mid-Autumn Festival, the BOD also remembered to thank retired Hwa Chong teachers with mooncakes and blessings, expressing gratitude for their invaluable teachings and selfless dedication, leaving precious memories for the students. It was they who not only imparted knowledge but also shared invaluable life experiences. This is also the Chinese culture and traditional virtues that we want to pass on.

Gift card and mooncakes souvenir from SCHS BOD to Hwa Chong retired teachers

Once again, the BOD wishes everyone a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May all families be happy, reunited, and in good health!

Left: Mr Robin Ng, retired teacher Mr Foo Yoong Kwang, Dr Loh Boon Kwang and Mr Chern Chee Song
Left: Mr Ang Ming Hong, Dr Loh, Mr Tarn Sien Hao and Mdm Cheng Yiina

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