HCIS Homecoming 2022

HCIS Homecoming 2022 event poster

After 4 years since our last homecoming, HCIS organise Homecoming 2022 to Reminisce, Relive and Reconnect with her alumni.

Inviting signs are placed to guide our visitors to the Indoor Sports Hall
Early birds get to mingle and touch base with teachers
SCHS Chairman Dr Sia addressed the event and even did a quick survey with HCIS alumni on how often they’d like to have future Homecomings.
HCIS Principal Linda Lee addressed the event and called out to visiting alumni to join us on our Discord server.

Yes, we are now on Discord, our very own Hwa Chong Family server, and we’re still testing it. If you are a HCIS alumni, do drop by https://discord.gg/HwaChongFamily → and say hi!

SCHS ExCo member led by Chairman Dr Sia and former Chairman Mr Jonathan Lee in the cake-cutting ceremony.
Everybody came together and gave a loud ‘YES’ to HCIS Homecoming 2022! 🥳

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